Action for Children - Lay Your Foundations (Action for Children)

‘Lay Your Foundations’ (Employability Fund Stage 2) is a ten-week generic training programme offering young people an introduction into the world of work.
The programme would suit young people who are interested in exploring the world of work and looking to increase their skills and confidence as well as gaining valuable work experience and qualifications. Trainees will have the opportunity to take part in various practical training sessions as well as personal development workshops including a Level 3 SQA Level 3 Employability Award and SQA Level 3 Health & Wellbeing Award.
Trainees will attend the programme three days per week, Tuesday to Thursday.
The ‘Lay Your Foundations’ programme is designed to introduce trainees to the world of work and will include:
- Practical training sessions in addition to work experience placements
- Employability focused workshops including CV writing, preparing cover letters, interview skills, job search support, employer expectations, team building activities etc.
- Develop an understanding of wellbeing & how to improve personal wellbeing
- Increased confidence and support for progressing into employment/study
- Achievement of an SQA Level 3 Employability Award & SQA Level 3 Health & Wellbeing Award.
Service Type
Employability, Health / Mental Health, Education and training, Money / Benefits, and Volunteering
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, Substance misuse, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
Pipeline Stage
Stage 2 / Barrier Removal
Outreach offered
Client group
Young people must be aged 16-17 and reside in Edinburgh.
Other information
- Referrals must be made by their SDS Careers Advisor
- Training allowance is £33.00 per week and travel expenses are also covered.