
The Joined Up for Business partnership is coordinated by Capital City Partnership and brings together free services from a range of public agencies that seek to grow employment opportunities by making it easier to do business in Edinburgh.

Each partner can be found below. Please click on the individual partners to understand what services they offer and how they can help you.

Business Gateway

Business Gateway offer professional resources and support to help businesses start up and grow. Including workshops, events, news and advice.

Who we work with
  • Any individual looking to start up or grow their business
  • We work with people of all ages and backgrounds with specialist advisers working with young people, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and BME groups, women and social enterprises
  • We work with all small to medium size businesses to grow, no sector excluded
 What we offer
  • Online support - a comprehensive website with practical information and useful guides
  • A programme of fully funded local workshops and events held throughout Scotland
  • Advice to suit specific business needs through a network of experienced advisers
  • Business information - a dedicated team providing information and support on all aspects of starting and growing a business
How to get in touch:

Call: 0131 529 6644 


Website: (this will open in a new window)

Twitter: (this will open in a new window)@BGateway_EL

Capital City Partnership (CCP)

CCP have the strategic lead on Edinburghs employer offer - Joined up for Business (JUFB)

JUFB was established in 2012 and promises business a no wrong door approach into public sector employability services.

The services includes a bespoke offer to every business with recruitment, training, funding advice and business growth support from a host of public sector partners.

If you are unsure which partner to contact, contact JUFB and they will introduce you to the most suitable partner.

Contact Us

Stephanie Lang |


(this will open in a new window) 

Department for Work and Pensions

Jobcentre Plus
Who we work with

  • Unemployed people
  • Micro businesses, SMEs, large organisations - across all sectors
  • Partner organisations
Our offer

Contact us

Email: Avril Cameron

Twitter: (this will open in a new window)@DWPScotPartners

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) - Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian 
Who we work with

  • Businesses of all size and sectors
  • Educational establishments in Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian (schools and colleges)
Our offer

(this will open in a new window)Marketplace is a digital platform connecting business with education. Businesses can offer opportunities under three categories; skills sessions, inspiration events and career insight.  Marketplace is hosted on Skills Development Scotland's website 'our skills force' with support and activity managed locally by DYW.

(this will open in a new window)The Guarantee is a website which brings together opportunities with local businesses that are offered to young people in Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian. Businesses can advertise jobs, Modern Apprenticeships, training or further education on The Guarantee.

Support and training:

Free support to employers who wish to engage with young people, parents and teachers, through school and college.

Currently we offer free scheduled workshops to employers:

  • Delivering meaningful work placements
  • Mentoring young people
  • Inspiring young minds.
Contact us:

Phone - 0131 221 2999 (option 9)

Email -

Web - (this will open in a new window)

Twitter - (this will open in a new window)@DYWEdinMidEast

Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College has over 7,000 part time students and over 10,000 full time students covering a range of disciplines across 3 campuses.

College departments engage with businesses through apprenticeships, placements, guest lecturers, master classes and content drivers for industry. 

Offer to employers

  • Employers looking to improve the skills of their staff have a new opportunity to access training in partnership with colleges thanks to the launch of a £10million fund
  • The (this will open in a new window)Flexible Workforce Development Fund will be available to organisations across the private, public and third sectors who are subject to the UK Government's Apprenticeship Levy
  • Eligible employers can access the fund, which is administered by the Scottish Funding Council on behalf of the Scottish Government, by getting in touch with their local college
  • The one-year pilot fund will focus on the up-skilling and re-skilling of existing employees of any age, with individual organisations able to apply for up to £10,000
  • The Flexible Workforce Development Fund is administered by the Scottish Funding Council but allocated via Edinburgh College.

If you wish to enquire about accessing this funding please email

Edinburgh's Universities

Careers service for:

Who we work with

Edinburgh's universities produce high calibre graduates with the skills and aptitude to work across a wide range of sectors. The student talent pool is vast - over 70,000 students studying a huge range of disciplines at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PhD levels. We work with organisations of all sizes and across all sectors to help them recruit talent from the universities in Edinburgh. We also work with students and graduates to help them achieve their full potential in fulfilling careers.

Offer to businesses

Recruitment services:

  • Free job advertising
  • Free consultancy about recruiting students and graduates
  • Opportunities for organisations to raise profile on campus at large scale careers fairs and smaller sector-specific events
  • Up to date information on the graduate market
  • Access to confident, employable, talent pool.

Additional Services:

  • Bridge into wider universities' services
  • Access to consultancy and resources
  • Collaborative research
  • Student projects
  • (this will open in a new window)Interface - connecting businesses to academics
  • Opportunities to network with other businesses.

We can help you publicise your opportunities and raise your profile among the 70,000+ students and recent graduates in the city.

Talk to us today about how the universities in Edinburgh can support you to find enthusiastic, highly skilled people for your business.

Contact Us

University of Edinburgh:

Edinburgh Napier University:

Heriot-Watt University:

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh:

The Open University:

NHS Lothian

Who we work with
  • All local higher education institutes such as West Lothian and Edinburgh colleges and Napier, Queen Margaret, Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities to offer placements as part of course curriculums and to promote job opportunities with them
  • Local authorities such as the City of Edinburgh Council and West Lothian Council to deliver programmes like (this will open in a new window)DFN Project SEARCH
  • Into Work to offer placements for people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. They are also one of the partnership organisations who work with Edinburgh DFN Project Search
  • Organisations that support people with convictions into work; Apex Scotland, Access to Industry and Recruit with Conviction
  • Department for Works and Pensions – to offer placements and advertise our current vacancies
  • Skills Development Scotland and Developing the Young Workforce for support in employing young people through our modern apprenticeships
  • Prince's Trust – to offer programmes in facilities and healthcare for young people
  • Joined Up for Jobs – for support in recruitment campaigns and to promote our job opportunities.

Our Offer
  • NHS Lothian provides a comprehensive range of primary, community-based and acute hospital services, employing over 24,000 staff providing healthcare services to 800,000 people in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian
  • NHS Lothian offer services to local employers and work collaboratively to get people back into sustainable employment
  • NHS Lothian offers a huge range of exciting and challenging opportunities for people who are passionate about making a difference. We actively recruit people of all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience. No matter what area of NHS Lothian you join, you will become part of a talented, passionate team of people committed to providing the best care and treatment to patients.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

Who we work with

Skills Development Scotland works with employers across Scotland, providing trusted advice to support business meet their growth ambitions.

Our pledge is to simplify the skills offer for employers. Our Team Scotland approach will accelerate your access to the support that’s available, helping you navigate our learning and skills system with ease, getting you where you need to be as quickly as possible. Whether that be the development of pre-employment training programmes or access to initiatives for up and cross skilling.

By offering bespoke, individualised support, we’ll make sure our learning and skills system measures up to your needs both now and in the future, with a commitment that we will remain responsive to your needs as they shift over time.

Our services for employers
  • Supporting employers to invest in work-based learning through Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships (this will open in a new window)
  • Skills and knowledge of your employees are key to your growth strategy. The (this will open in a new window)Employer Hub is a self-help resource to support Managing your Workforce, Talent Attraction, Webinars as well as our Skills Discovery, Skills Management and Skills Profile digital tools, helping you assess your current and future skills needs.
  • (this will open in a new window)Skills for Growth is a fully funded, skills diagnostic service for your business. We'll work to understand your skills needs, create a detailed People Skills Action Plan and guid you to the right support.
  • Providing expert advice and guidance on skills, education and training support
  • SDS also works with industry, partners and stakeholders to provide labour market information that helps shape the skills and learning system to meet industry needs.
Contact us

SDS Employer Helpline: 0800 9783 6000

Web: (this will open in a new window)Employer Hub

Email: Pam Ralston, Employer Engagement Executive,

X: (this will open in a new window)@skillsdevscot

The City of Edinburgh Council

The Edinburgh Guarantee is a vision that all sectors in the city will work together to ensure that every young person in Edinburgh will leave school with the choice of a job, training or further education opportunity available to them.

Who we work with

  • Businesses - small to medium enterprises and corporate
  • Training providers
  • Schools
  • Young people 
Our offer

  • Support to employers who wish to recruit a recent school leaver into an entry level job, Modern Apprenticeship or other trainee position within their organisation. This includes; recruitment support, information on possible funding, linking up with training providers and offering ongoing support to both employers and young people when required
  • We work with training providers and businesses to develop employer led training programmes which will in turn fill future vacancies
  • Project SEARCH - Edinburgh Project SEARCH provides employment and learning opportunities for young people with a disability. This initiative is delivered in conjunction with NHS Lothian, Edinburgh College and All in Edinburgh. It consists of a 1 year programme including 3 internships, securing qualifications and building on skills for work
  • The JET Programme - early intervention programme offering personalised work experience opportunities, work-based taster sessions and other school/ employer link-ups to local authority high schools in Edinburgh and school pupils in the senior phase of high school.
Contact us

Edinburgh Guarantee:

(this will open in a new window) 

0131 529 3525


0131 529 6900

Recruitment Support

Find out more about how we can support your recruitment.

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Community Benefits

Find out about what community benefits are and how we support contractors to achieve their community benefit commitments.

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Employer Resource Hub

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