There are a number of strategic developments and initiatives that support the work of the Joined Up for Jobs network.
Here you will find the latest information on strategy work across a range of activities, including related documents and policy developments.
Local Employability Partnership
The Local Employability Partnership is led by Senior Managers from a range of core stakeholders to oversee the ‘Joined up For’ infrastructure, manage No One Left Behind and UK Shared Prosperity Fund commissioning recommendations, add value, and avoid duplication.
Stakeholders include The City of Edinburgh Council, Skills Development Scotland, Department of Work and Pensions, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh College, Edinburgh Universities, Chamber of Commerce, EVOC, City Region Deal, Capital City Partnership.
The Local Employability Partnership is also part of the Community Planning Partnership (The Edinburgh Partnership) as part of the Local Improvement Plans (LOIPs) where it is acts as the LOIP 2.
- LOIP 1 Enough Money to Live On
- LOIP 2 Access to work, learning and training opportunities
- LOIP 3 A Good Place to Live
The Local Employability Partnership oversees the partnership support for the Joined Up for Jobs, Joined Up for Business, Joined Up for Families and Youth Employability Partnership:
- Joined Up for Jobs sets out the framework for a partnership of key agencies and frontline services to work together to help more people into employment. Support is given through website resources, a client management information system, and quarterly forums
- Joined Up for Business gives businesses a "no wrong door" approach and offers a bespoke, free recruitment and training service, as well as a business growth support service for SMEs. We help businesses identify funding initiatives that can support recruitment, training and business growth needs. We also support the Fort Kinnaird Recruitment Skills Centre, and the emerging Edinburgh St James development through FUSE
- Joined Up for Young People (JUfYP) is the youth employment strategy led by the Young Person’s Guarantee team and consists of the Youth Employability Partnership & JUfYP network partners. It aims to provide training, education, and work opportunities for young people as part of the Scottish Governments commitment through Young Person's Guarantee.
- Joined Up for Families strategy supports the development of a growing number of family-focused projects in Edinburgh and the wider City Region, offering development support and contract management to projects supporting the six priority family groups most affected by poverty and inequality to progress. The projects that Joined Up for Families supports offer holistic support to parents and whole families to overcome barriers such as poverty, isolation, financial and housing issues, trauma, and poor mental health. Find out more about Joined up for Families and the projects the strategy supports here: will open in a new window)
The Youth Employment Action Plan
The YEAP tracks all opportunities for young people (aged 16-24 or 26 if care-experienced) in one place, making it easier for referral partners to source the most suitable destination for their young people.
In Edinburgh, there is a significant amount of employability support for young people provided by a number of third sector organisations across the Joined Up for Jobs (JUfJ) network. Various routes fund this, including the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government.
This Youth Employment Action Plan (YEAP) outlines a *pipeline approach for every young person in Edinburgh. The YEAP complements further contracted provisions funded by the City of Edinburgh Council, including the **Joined Up for Jobs (JUfJ) network and national provisions. The YEAP is coordinated by Capital City Partnership; if you would like to be added or require any information, email:
Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal
A City Region Deal is a mechanism for accelerating growth by pulling in government investment. By investing this funding in innovation, skills and infrastructure, performance will be significantly improved, and we will tackle inequality and deprivation. The Deal will drive productivity and growth while reducing inequalities and deprivation. Joined Up for Jobs will benefit from the Integrated Regional Employability and Skills workstream.
For more information visit The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal ( will open in a new window).