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Space Station (Space at the Broomhouse Hub - Training Academy)

Space & Broomhouse Hub
Debbie Tomkinson
07597 365 029
The project

Food catering & hospitality training that will help you move towards, or find, sustainable employment in the food, catering and hospitality sector.

How it works

An 8 week course attending a Monday afternoon with practical training to gain foundational skills in food, catering and hospitality, plus employability training and support.

Upon completion of this training, we support trainees into a positive destination in the catering and hospitality sector either in our community cafe, Space Kitchen, or elsewhere.

Service Type

Employability and Education and training

Client Group

Disability, Criminal Convictions, and Health Conditions

Target Area

South west and All Edinburgh

Age group served

16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+

Pipeline Stage

Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, and Stage 4 / Job Matching

Outreach offered


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