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Fedcap Scotland (Fedcap Scotland)

15 Blair Street
Nicole Edmunds

We’re Fedcap Scotland. We’re a not-for-profit organisation specialising in helping people find jobs.

- 1 to 1 support from a personal advisor in one of our offices, Blair Street or Nova house

- Access to local vaccanccies from our Employ Solutions team

- Access to our Health and Wellbeing team who support people with CBT, Change in mindset and on a 1-1 basis

- 12 months support offered tailored to individuals needs

- A dedicated in work support advisor to help for up to 12 months whilst in work

Service Type

Employability and Health / Mental Health

Client Group

Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, Substance misuse, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed

Target Area

All Edinburgh

Age group served

16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+

Pipeline Stage

Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, Stage 4 / Job Matching, and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare

Outreach offered


Anyone who is not in work or currently studying ( over 12 hours)

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