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Citadel Futureheads Employability services (Citadel Youth Centre)

Citadel Youth Centre
Aisling Lynch
0131 5540510

The Futureheads Employability project supports young people aged 16 – 21 into employment, education, training and voluntary work. Our weekly Careers Café assists unemployed young people and school leavers with job searches, college and job applications, CV writing, interview preparation, as well as finding appropriate Activity Agreements and Training programmes.

This is provided through a range of careers café sessions and workshops, group work sessions and individual support where needed. Our careers café is supported by a team of full time employability workers, a Skills Development Worker (SDS), our Activity Agreement advisor as well as volunteers and students. We also have an in-house Citadel Connect volunteer project which assists young people with the skills necessary to access the appropriate volunteering opportunity for them as well as the opportunity to participate in a group volunteering project which will benefit their community.

Service Type

Employability, Education and training, and Volunteering

Client Group

Care experienced, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed

Target Area

North east

Age group served

16-19 and 20-24

Pipeline Stage

Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, and Stage 3 / Vocational Activity

Outreach offered


We are funded to work with school leavers and young unemployed people aged 16-21years old mainly in the North east of Edinburgh.

Many young people are eligible for a Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) of £30 per week if they meet the criteria. Ask a member of the 15+ staff team for further details. Food and travel expenses are provided.

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