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Job Entry: Targeted Support (JETS Scotland) (Reed in Partnership)

Exchange Place 2
Jim Murphy

JETS is a light touch provision aimed at those who are ready to get back into work.

JETS participants have access to an online Career Centre which has a range of support resources including; interview practice, CV development, self-assessment tools, digital learning and wellbeing services.

Participants will work with their Reed in Partnership Employment Advisor to identify transferrable skills and create an action plan, agreeing job focussed activities that suit their individual needs.

Regular meetings help to keep participants on track and quickly remove any barriers they have.

Service Type

Employability, Health / Mental Health, and Education and training

Client Group

Long term unemployed

Target Area

All Edinburgh

Age group served

16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+

Pipeline Stage

Stage 4 / Job Matching and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare

Outreach offered


Participants must:

  • Be of working age - 18 in Scotland to State Pension age
  • Have been unemployed and in receipt of benefits for at least 13 weeks, but no more than 52 weeks.
  • Be in receipt of UC and in the Intensive Work-Search regime or New Style JSA
  • Have the right to reside and enter employment in the United Kingdom
  • Be motivated to find work.

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