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Nurturing Future - North Edinburgh Childcare (North Edinburgh Childcare)

North Edinburgh Childcare
Lynne Woodman
0131 332 8001

Simultaneously integrating employability support and free childcare on site (within North Edinburgh Childcare), the Nurturing Futures programme provides unemployed parents with a unique opportunity to gain time away from their children to enable them to undertake the tasks associated with looking for work.

Through regular engagement and one to one coaching, the unemployed parent will be supported by the Employability Support Officer to:

· Create an Individual Work Plan which will be tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.

· Be supported to overcome any identified barriers.

· Enhance their employability by identifying and capitalising on their existing experience and skills, undertaking relevant training, engaging with relevant external organisations who can support them to overcome specific barriers, developing their CV and interview skills, searching for and pursuing relevant job opportunities, undertaking in-work benefit calculations and engaging in work trials.

· Prepare for moving into employment ensuring a smooth transition by accessing relevant information and benefits available.

· Secure and sustain employment.

Service Type


Client Group

Lone Parents and Long term unemployed

Target Area

North west

Age group served

16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+

Pipeline Stage

Stage 4 / Job Matching

Outreach offered


Unemployed parent / guardian with at least one child under the age of 12, living in North Edinburgh area.

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