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Volunteer Development Program (Project Esperanza)

1 Waterfront Avenue

We have a tailored volunteer programme for people living in Edinburgh who face social isolation and those who are structurally excluded from the work force. We ensure that they get volunteer opportunities within the organisation that enable them to gain mentoring and workplace skills whilst working alongside their peers in our activity spaces thereby building pathways into employment. Funding and work status permitting we aim to recruit people from this programme into paid employment at Project Esperanza.

Service Type


Client Group

Care experienced, Disability, BME Groups, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed

Target Area

All Edinburgh

Age group served

16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+

Pipeline Stage

Stage 1 / Engagement and Stage 2 / Barrier Removal

Outreach offered


People from socially and economically excluded backgrounds and also absolutely People Seeking Asylum

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