Action for Children - Women into Construction (Action for Children)

Similar to our flagship Youthbuild programme, this is an opportunity for women to explore the world of construction in a supported and interactive way.
This 7-week training programme will allow participants to explore the world of construction whilst gaining sector-based qualifications, work experience and practical skills.
The 7-week training programme is full time (5 days per week) and will include:
- Trades taster days at Edinburgh College
- Construction challenge – Build a wind turbine
- SQA Level 4 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment
- Accredited Construction qualifications
- Work Experience Opportunity
- Employability skills
- Meet women in the industry.
The programme will start on Monday10th February 2020 and will be delivered from our training centre, Unit 17&18 Castlebrae Business Centre Edinburgh, EH16 4BB. Participants will be paid £55 per week plus travel allowance.
Service Type
Employability and Education and training
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, Substance misuse, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19 and 20-24
Pipeline Stage
Stage 3 / Vocational Activity and Stage 4 / Job Matching
Outreach offered
Client group
This is aimed at women aged 16-24 who live in Edinburgh or the Lothians.
Other information
Participants will be provided with caseworker support throughout the programme and will receive throughcare support on completion.
Likely progression routes include education (pre-apprenticeship), Modern Apprenticeships, employment or further training.